2024 European Parliament Elections: Key Insights from Latvia, Malta, and Slovakia

2 min read
The 2024 European Parliament elections are currently underway in Latvia, Malta, and Slovakia, marking a pivotal moment in European politics. This blog provides valuable insights into the voting process, key issues, and party standings in these member states. Stay updated with the latest developments and understand the critical issues shaping the future of the European Union.
European Parliament elections 2024

European Parliament elections 2024


The 2024 European Parliament elections are currently underway in Latvia, Malta, and Slovakia, marking a crucial moment in European politics. This blog provides valuable insights into the voting process, key issues, and party standings in these member states.

Live Updates from Latvia

In Latvia, the 2024 European Parliament elections are seeing significant voter turnout across major cities like Riga and Daugavpils. Voters are concerned about climate change and economic recovery, which are pivotal issues in this election.

Key Issues in Latvia

  • Climate Change: Discussions are focused on sustainability and environmental protection.
  • Economic Recovery: Voters are interested in policies for post-pandemic economic stability.

Party Standings

Major parties such as the Harmony Centre and the New Conservative Party are leading the campaign. The European People’s Party (EPP) and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) are also prominent contenders.

Live Updates from Malta

In Malta, the 2024 European Parliament elections are witnessing enthusiastic voter participation. The voting process is well-organized, with voters prioritizing digital policy and migration issues.

Key Issues in Malta

  • Digital Policy: Discussions are centered on data protection and cybersecurity.
  • Migration: Voters are concerned about immigration policies and border security.

Party Standings

The Labour Party and the Nationalist Party are the major political forces in Malta. The Greens/European Free Alliance and Renew Europe are also strong contenders in this election.

Live Updates from Slovakia

Slovakia is experiencing a high voter turnout in the 2024 European Parliament elections. Voters are discussing economic recovery and EU integration, crucial issues for Slovakia’s future within the EU.

Key Issues in Slovakia

  • Economic Recovery: Voters are interested in policies to stimulate economic growth.
  • EU Integration: Discussions focus on Slovakia’s role and influence within the EU.

Party Standings

Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OĽaNO), Direction – Social Democracy (SMER-SD), and We Are Family – Boris Kollár (Sme Rodina) are the major parties contesting the election. The European People’s Party (EPP) and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) are also strong contenders.

Key Issues and Party Standings

The 2024 European Parliament elections are dominated by critical issues such as climate change, economic recovery, digital policy, and migration. Political parties across Latvia, Malta, and Slovakia are presenting their policies and platforms to voters, aiming to secure seats and influence EU policy-making.


The 2024 European Parliament elections in Latvia, Malta, and Slovakia are pivotal for the future of the European Union. Voters are actively participating in the democratic process to elect representatives who will address their concerns and priorities at a European level.

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